B Squared Woodworking is located in Goshen, OH and all shipments originate from here. Pre-made in stock items will usually ship in 1-3 business days. Custom orders will ship once complete which will depend upon order complexity. Most standard offerings in our store will take 1-2 weeks to complete. For a complete custom design, an estimate will be provided once the design is approved by you. Please be aware that shipping delays are normal and out of our control. All orders are charged according to USPS or UPS shipping quotes.
B Squared Woodworking offers a 30-day return policy for any item that does not include customization such as Engraving or Personalization. Signs are not eligible for returns. This means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return. After the 30 days has passed, items can no longer be returned.
To be eligible for a return:
- The item(s) must be in the same condition that you received it. Unused, unopened, and in its original packaging.
- Proof of purchase (receipt) is required.
If you would like to request a return, please contact us at info@bsquaredwoodworking.com. Please include the reason you would like to return the item(s). If your item arrived damaged or unsatisfactory, please include photos to expedite the return process. Within 24 hours, we will acknowledge your request.
If your return is accepted, you are responsible for the shipping charges to return your item(s). Please include a note with your order number acknowledging our communication.
Please return your item(s) to:
B Squared Woodworking
3777 Neidich Ln
Goshen, OH 45122
We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return. If accepted we will issue you a refund. Please allow up to 1 week for the refund to show on your payment method. Any additional return questions can be sent to info@bsquaredwoodworking.com.
Your Privacy and Data
We are committed to keeping your data secure. We work hard to make sure our systems are up to date and secure, preventing anyone else from getting your information. We also store your data carefully to ensure that your data is protected as much as possible in the event of such a breech. We do not store credit card information. We collect personal information such as your name, email address and physical address when you sign up for our monthly newsletter or place an order at our store. Your data is used solely for purposes of conducting business with us. Your email will be used to communicate with you regarding your order, including order and shipping confirmations.
We do not share your information with third parties except in a few very specific circumstances:
- When payment is rendered, your information is shared with our payment provider.
- Necessary information for shipping is shared with our shipping partners.
- We do retain your personal data for a period of time to meet accounting, legal and other requirements.
According to the new rules of the GDPR, EU subjects have the right to ask companies to delete or anonymize their data. Should you feel this is necessary, please contact us via email with your concerns. We can delete or anonymize your data, though the timing may be subject to legal and accounting needs. For example, we can’t delete your name and address if we have a pending order to ship to you!
Use of cookies: Cookies are bits of information that are stored in your browser. Our website uses cookies to keep track of items in your shopping cart. We also use cookies to improve interactions with our site or track the effectiveness of advertising.